Gratitude in Solitude – Day 22

I can’t believe that it’s almost the end of April. The weather is weird. Growing up, there was never talk of tornados but “high winds” took out the most unfortunate tree at my parents’ house.

This poor tree has gone though the ringer. It has been hit by lightning and cars plus started to rot from the inside out. My mom said that she was sitting in her office (formerly known as my old bedroom) and watched some crazy strong wind blow by the window. Her attention was on the Horsechestnut tree that is right in front of the house when she heard the crack of this poor tree. It took out the power line (to the block across the street from her) as well. The power company took a bit of time to turn off the power so that public works could remove the tree from the street.

So how does this relate to what I am grateful for? That tree was often “home base” when playing games when I was a kid. That tree is part of my childhood and all the good memories that goes with it. I am grateful that I have such memories of epic hide and seek games in the middle of summer. Yes, I was the kid who caught lightning bugs and played epic games of volleyball in the front yard as well.

That tree has been a part of my world for almost all of my life, but I am grateful for it being a part or at least part of the background for my wonderful childhood memories.

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