Gratitude in Solitude – Day 27

It’s the last week of the month. Was it the longest month or the shortest month? I think both. Yes, we are living in Groundhog Day with almost every day being the same thing over and over and over again with a few things making the days different. (Hello, meal planning!)

So what am I grateful for today? The double space after the period. When I learned how to type (on a typewriter) there was a double space that was required after the period. In the day of limited characters I guess its important to cut the spaces down, but really? Even Microsoft is ruling against me.

I almost feel betrayed that Microsoft ruled agaist me (and sided with my kids) on this great debate.

It’s not going to be an easy change for me. I think the only time I’ll activly make the change is when I format books. I know how to search/replace once I am done with the final manuscript so at least it looks like I am conforming to society. I’m a rebel like that.

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